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90% of love advice out there teaches you how to lower your standards and settle.

Find out why and how to recognise these outdated wisdoms


The do's and don'ts of Love

It's better to be with the right person than to be alone, but it's a 1000 times better to be alone than to be with the wrong person.

The right person is someone you can be yourself with, laugh with, and share all your inner thoughts with exactly as you would with your closest friends; not just month one when it's still exciting, year two when you've gotten to know each other better.

While you're still young, learn the tools to never sell yourself short. The benefit from these tools extends to your self worth, social skills, education, career, and if you decide to have them, your children.

Most children see two functional coworkers as parents who laugh and feel free to be themselves far more with friends than with each other, usually one wears the trousers and the other is neutered. Learning the reasons why this happens now, while you're still young, will ensure you don't end up like that.


Find out about the 5-a-day of love.

90% of love advice out there teaches you how to lower your standards and settle.
Find out why and how to recognise these outdated wisdoms.